Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good Morning Mr Fear

 I died, then my instinct was born
-Shinshoku Lose Control by L'Arc~en~Ciel

Last year a good friend was suffering from major anxiety.
I have had anxious moments -however, not like my good friend was experiencing.
 The fear became a constant in her life, and it eventually won.
She committed suicide in June.
"Shinshoku-Lose Control" and "Get Out From the Shell" are songs that remind me of how she must have felt.
This is a painting in a shadowbox with collage elements.
The heart and moon are made of porcelain.
The flowers and lace are fabric.

"Worried heart is beating with darkness
Feeling so cold and tight inside of the skull...
Blind fear is lingering around
Falling to the deepness of the inner spiral"
-Get Out From The Shell by L'Arc~en~Ciel

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